



Hello !

I've been looking for hosting services and I still don't know what kind of database is the most commom. It seems to be MySql and PostgreSql. So, I'm not sure about how much traffic and data my website will have (it's just a project), but I would like to be prepared. I've worked in some projects with Oracle (PL/SQL) and I know something from MySql.
Based in this facts,
What database to use with Ruby on Rails, based on actual Hosting services ?

Thank you !

+1  A: 

I recommend Heroku for hosting they require Postgres or if you want to go 'NoSql' - you can use MongoDB via the MongoHQ Heroku plug-in

they offer a 'free' plan for small sites


MySQL is by far the most common free web database now a days, and is very common in Ruby on Rails Projects. Almost all linux hosting providers will give you mysql databases. Unless you have a specific reason to go elsewhere, it is a great place to start.

I have personally implemented a couple of RoR projects that used MySQL as the backend with no complaints.

Alan Jackson
mysql is not actually 'free'; they have multiple license options, in many cases the hosting provider probably handles the commercial fee, so it might seem free
You can download MySQL Community Server under the GPL. Hard to get much "free-er" than that. You can't distribute it as a commercial product, but you can host a production database that a commercial website connects to. If I am wrong, let me know and hopefully this doesn't get too off topic.
Alan Jackson
looks like you are correct; I was under the impression that the 'commercial' license was for any commercial use, but that doesn't appear to be the case - distribution only. - sorry for the mis-information.
+2  A: 

One of the tenets of Rails is you shouldn't really care what database you're using: that's all abstracted for you.

So I would say go with the hosting provider that seems the overall best, and trust them to pick a good database.

In this case, as house9, I would recommend Heroku as an excellent overall service. Start with a small, free plan, scale up as needed. They use PostgreSQL by default, which has been entirely adequate in my experience.

+1  A: 

Engine Yard is a trusted Rails host. They support MySQL, Postgres and MongoDB. Here is their list of supported technologies:

On May 10th, they are hosting a demo on their cloud services.


I don't think there is any argument that MySQL is the most used. If you re looking for an enterprise class database, I say give DB2 a try. Just like MySQL, DB2 Express-C is free and optional support is available. DB2 is the only database that has support from the vendor. See

Leon Katsnelson