



Hi there, So i have this:

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" id="lkbTomeChichi" class="modalInput contratacionVinculos" rel="#prueba" OnClick="PruebaBrava" >LinkPrueba</asp:LinkButton>
<div id="prueba" class="simple_overlayFondoBlanco" style="margin: auto; z-index: 99;">
    hola como está todo ;)

and i have this:

<script type="text/javascript">
     function pageLoad() {
         var triggers = $("a.modalInput").overlay({
             // some expose tweaks suitable for modal dialogs
             expose: {
                 color: '#333',
                 loadSpeed: 200,
                 opacity: 0.3,
                 zIndex: 99
             top: '25%',
             closeOnClick: true

as you can see i'm using a LinkButton who transforms into an 'a' tag on rendering so jquery pageLoad function can use it to show an overlay. My problem is i need the 'OnClick="PruebaBrava' to execute before the overlay shows. If i use a button instead of a LinkButton it works perfectly but i need to use the linkbutton and with it that event is not firing.
What can i do?
Thankyou all very much for your answers ;)