Our company works with another company called iMatrix and they have an API for creating our own forms. They have confirmed that our request is hitting their servers but a response is supposed to come back in 1 of a few ways determined by a parameter. I'm getting a 200 OK response back but no content and a content-length of 0 in the response header.
here is the url: https://secure4.office2office.com/designcenter/api/imx_api_call.asp
I'm using this class:
namespace WebSumit { public enum MethodType { POST = 0, GET = 1 }
public class WebSumitter
public WebSumitter()
public string Submit(string URL, Dictionary<string, string> Parameters, MethodType Method)
StringBuilder _Content = new StringBuilder();
string _ParametersString = "";
// Prepare Parameters String
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> _Parameter in Parameters)
_ParametersString = _ParametersString + (_ParametersString != "" ? "&" : "") + string.Format("{0}={1}", _Parameter.Key, _Parameter.Value);
// Initialize Web Request
HttpWebRequest _Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL);
// Request Method
_Request.Method = Method == MethodType.POST ? "POST" : (Method == MethodType.GET ? "GET" : "");
_Request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)";
// Send Request
using (StreamWriter _Writer = new StreamWriter(_Request.GetRequestStream(), Encoding.UTF8))
// Initialize Web Response
HttpWebResponse _Response = (HttpWebResponse)_Request.GetResponse();
// Get Response
using (StreamReader _Reader = new StreamReader(_Response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8))
return _Content.ToString();
I cannot post the actual parameters because they are to the live system, but can you look at this code and see if there is anything that is missing?