I'm playing with octave's fft functions, and I can't really figure out how to scale their output: I use the following (very short) code to approximate a function:
function y = f(x)
y = x .^ 2;
Y = f(X);
# plot(X, Y);
F = fft(Y);
S = [0:2047]/2048;
function points = approximate(input, count)
size = size(input)(2);
fourier = [fft(input)(1:count) zeros(1, size-count)];
points = ifft(fourier);
Y = f(X); plot(X, Y, X, approximate(Y, 10));
Basically, what it does is take a function, compute the image of an interval, fft-it, then keep a few harmonics, and ifft the result. Yet I get a plot that is vertically compressed (the vertical scale of the output is wrong). Any ideas?