I have a verbatim environment containing computer output as text. This text is sematically made of two sections, each section being separated from the other by an empty line.
The number of sections and their content is known, so I don't need to parse the text, but the line between the sections is very important (as it gives semantics to the "text").
Each segment is made of multiple lines. How could I write (1) and (2) on the left handside at the centre of each segment?
Sample output:
hello world
(1) out there
how are you?
I am
(2) thanks
The numbers (1) and (2) MUST NOT be inside the environment, they must be outside, and on the left, not as marginpar.
I suspect it comes down to putting a \box{} or something in front of the words "out" and "thanks" and moving them to the left by a negative amount. But I don't know how to achieve that.