



I'm trying to get a handle on if there's a good time to use standard linq keywords or linq extension methods with lambda expressions. They seems to do the same thing, just are written differently. Is it purely a matter of style?

var query = from p in Products
    where p.Name.Contains("foo")
    orderby c.Name
    select p;

// or with extension methods:
var query = Products
    .Where(p => p.Name.Contains("foo")
    .OrderBy(p => p.Name);

They're very similar with the second example being a bit more terse, but perhaps less expressive if you don't know what the => is doing.

Other than writing terse code, are there other advantages to using the extension methods as opposed to the linq syntax?


They compile the same, and are equivalent. Personally, I prefer the lambda (extension) methods for most things, only using the statements (standard) if I'm doing LINQ to SQL or otherwise trying to emulate SQL. I find that the lambda methods flow better with code, whereas the statements are visually distracting.

Mark Brackett
+9  A: 

One advantage to using the extension methods is that you can define your own and it will still read fine, where as because your new extension method is not in the keywords list it will look at bit strange mixed with the other keywords.

Example, I am using a custom extension called into which just takes a string:

var query = (from p in Products
    where p.Name.Contains("foo")
    orderby c.Name
    select p).Into("MyTable");


var query = Products
                   .Where(p => p.Name.Contains("foo")
                   .OrderBy(p => p.Name)

I feel the the later reads better when you have custom extenstion methods that you need to use.

Nathan W
+1  A: 

Check this question: Which LINQ syntax do you prefer? Fluent or Query Expression

Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I looked before but couldn't find.

I prefer the extension method syntax when I use Linq methods that have no query syntax equivalent, such as FirstOrDefault() or others like that.

Eric Minkes
+10  A: 

Honestly, sometimes it can be situational once you start using Funcs and Actions. Say you are using these three funcs:

  Func<DataClasses.User, String> userName = user => user.UserName;
  Func<DataClasses.User, Boolean> userIDOverTen = user => user.UserID < 10;
  Func<DataClasses.User, Boolean> userIDUnderTen = user => user.UserID > 10;

As you can see the first one replaces the lamdba expression to get the user name, the second replaces a lamdba expression used to check if the ID is lower than 10, and let's face it, the third should be pretty easy to understand now.

NOTE: This is a silly example but it works.

  var userList = 
    from user in userList
    where userIDOverTen(user)
    select userName;


  var otherList =

In this example, the second is a little less verbose since the extension method can make full use of the Func, but he Linq expression can't since it is look just for a Boolean rather than a Func that returns boolean. However, this is where it might be better to use the expression language. Say you already had a method that takes in more than just a user:

  private Boolean IDIsBelowNumber(DataClasses.User user, 
          Int32 someNumber, Boolean doSomething)
    return user.UserID < someNumber;

Note: doSomething is just there because of the where extension method being ok with a method that takes in a user and integer and returns boolean. Kind of annoying for this example.

Now if you look at the Linq query:

  var completeList =
     from user in userList
     where IDIsBelowNumber(user, 10, true)
     select userName;

You're good for it. Now the Extension Method:

  var otherList =

Without a lambda expression, I really can't call that method. So now what I have to do is create a method that creates a Func based off the original method call.

   private Func<DataClasses.User, Boolean> IDIsBelowNumberFunc(Int32 number)
      return user => IDIsBelowNumber(user, number, true);

And then plug it in:

  var otherList =

So you can see, sometimes it may just be easier to use the query approach at times.

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