




I have two tables to join with a column (say emp_id).. if emp_id in both the tables have null values, how will SQL Server and Oracle treat???

Coz, I read that informatica will neglect the NULL rows when joining..if I handle the null, by substituting -1, a cross-join will happen which i don't want..

What can I do here?

I cannot completely neglect the rows which has NULL.


+1  A: 

You can't join on colA = colB and expect NULLs to compare as equal. Depending on your needs (assuming perhaps some sort of table synchronisation need below) three approaches I can think of are

  1. Use COALESCE to substitute a value such as -1 in place of null if a suitable value exists that can never occur in your actual data. COALESCE(Table1.colA,-1) = COALESCE(Table2.colB,-1)
  2. Use both an IS NULL and equality check on all joining columns.
  3. Use INTERSECT (nulls will be treated as equal). Possibly in a derived table that you can JOIN back onto.
Martin Smith
if i substitute -1 will a cross-join happen?
No but it's quite inefficient so probably not very suitable for large amounts of rows. Can you clarify your situation why you need to do this? I am assuming that you will also be having some non null columns in your join. e.g. to synchronise 2 copies of a table. If this is not the case you will get a cross join yes.
Martin Smith
i haven't faced a real-world scenario like this..just a, what'll u do if the ID column's have null values?
Well generally your id columnn wouldn't be null in its "main" table as presumably it is there to uniquely identify a row. If it is in a FK table and it is null then it wouldn't make sense for NULL to join onto anything.
Martin Smith
+1  A: 

Perhaps you want a left outer join? See wikipedia

Here's how you do it with Oracle

Here's the SQL Server documentation for left outer join.

Doug Currie