




I am currently doing visual c++ for an Internet Explorer toolbar button. I have a registration script file (*.rgs) that defines or maybe register the features of my button inside the Windows registry. My objective is, I want my button to change its *.ico image, based on certain conditions process from my *.cpp file. My problem is, I don't understand, how can I somehow change the *.ico file for my button in real time, during my application is running?

For example,

IF f = 1, ico_file = green.ico; ELSE ico_file = red.ico;

Any idea, that you guys can point to me, how can I change the *.ico file for my Internet Explorer toolbar button while the IE is running.


I have my button's *.rgs , contains the values of the button's behavior inside the Windows Registry. My problem is, how can I change some of the value, from my *.cpp program during run time.