There were a similar posts at
<< Computer science undergraduate project ideas >>
<< Ideas for Software Engineering Thesis Project >>
<< Senior computer engineering project ideas ? >>
<< Final Year Project(Software Engineering) Idea >>
So I read all of them and my answer wasn't fit to those.
Actually I'm looking for some ideas which
1 - Help me extend a functionality of Open source software (like creating a usefull add-in
2 - Let me Create a Scientific Paper (ideas to publish a scientific paper)
3 - Or Create a Unique an usefull application from the scratch , (like performance tool, profiler, analyzers and other similar tools)
Update : I know C# - and sql
I'm really interested to Unicode - Localization and working on Application standards
I also have an open source software at which actually is a simple unicode converter. Is it a good idea to extend it for a undergraduate project or not? I think it can be a good api or tool if I spend lots of time on it nad it be capable to convert any codepage to any thing.
Update v2 : I checked some ideas and find a good one
Create a UI for CruiseControl.NET which generate XML configuration files.
Is it a good one?
So with all these conditions what do you think is better to do? let me know your ideas whatever those are.
any idea appriciated.