On my web site, I'm trying to accomplishes the fastest page load as possible.
I've noticed that it appears my JavaScript are not loading asynchronously. Picture linked below.
How my web site works is that it needs to load two external JavaScript files:
- Google Maps v3 JavaScript, and
- JQuery JavaScript
Then, I have inline JavaScript within the HTML that cannot be executed until those two files above are downloaded.
Once it loads these external javascript files, it then, and only then, can dynamically render the page. The reason why my page can't load until both Google Maps and JQuery are loaded is that - my page, based on the geolocation (using Gmaps) of the user will then display the page based on where they are located (e.g. New York, San Francisco, etc). Meaning, two people in different cities viewing my site will see different frontpages.
Question: How can I get my JavaScript files to download asynchronously so that my overall page load time is quickest?
If I were to download, somehow, Google-maps and JQuery asynchronously, how would I create an event that would be fired once both Google-maps and JQuery have downloaded since my page has a hard dependency on those files to execute.
Even though there are 3 answers below, none still actually answer the problem I have. Any help would be greatly appreciated.