



Hi folks,

I have a GWT application and wanna to test load and functionality using a tool like jmeter. I am not sure jmeter is right tool for GWT. Can anybody direct me to proper tool or can tell me how to do it with jmeter?

I want to test login functionality: I have two text box 'User name' and 'Password' on login screen and want to test how many users can log in simultaneously, how much time a round trip to server it takes. Don't know how jmeter can get 'user name' and 'password' and can submit it to validate against DB for GWT application?

Thanks in advance.


I guess it depends what exactly you want to test. If you want to test the client-side code as well, something like Selenium ( might be better.

If you just want to test the backend, though, you could have JMeter send it HTTP requests via HttpClient ( or something similar. You can determine what needs to go in the request using a debugging proxy such as Fiddler (


It depends on maintenance. We do have a GXT app and even the JMeter HTTP Proxy recorder works fine on it.

But its maintenance gets compromised since RPC Requests use a parameter ("X-GWT-Permutation") which is the id of the .nocache.html file. Since it is generated with a different id for each build, you are likely to re-record it.

On the other hand, selenium runs fine. Get a hold on properly using selectors in selenese, and perhaps ensureDebugIds (in GWT), and youre likely to be set. It is fairly trivial to write a .jar enclosing a JUnit (3.8) test suite and wrap it around selenium.

As a recomendation: If you're likely to do multiple load testing with selenium, I can recommend Saucelabs' Sauce on Demand ( You set up an SSH Proxy with their service, and their EC2 selenium instances connect to your intranet app. Thats the approach we went for.


The tool you need is called NeoLoad ( But is not free :( if you want to try just once you can use the trial license the give you at start.

If you don't need something sofisticated you can use Apache HTTPD-Test wich is Free but is not than configurable as Jmeter.

Hope This Helps. Cheers.