I am trying to script out a database in SQL Server Management Studio 2005. In my database users belong to different roles. Unfortunately I can't find how to script out the relationship between users and roles.
I am trying to script out a database in SQL Server Management Studio 2005. In my database users belong to different roles. Unfortunately I can't find how to script out the relationship between users and roles.
See these links:
Here's some code we use to first check if a user is already mapped to a role, and if not, to do the mapping. You should be able to take the TSQL at the top that uses database_prinicipals and database_role_members and use that to extract out the relationships you have in your databaase.
SELECT @sql = ' IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ' + @DatabaseName + '.sys.database_principals a
JOIN ' + @DatabaseName + '.sys.database_role_members b ON a.principal_id = b.role_principal_id
JOIN ' + @DatabaseName + '.sys.database_principals c ON b.member_principal_id = c.principal_id
WHERE a.Type = ''R'' AND a.Name = ''' + @CurrentDbRole + '''
AND c.type IN ( ''U'', ''S'') AND = ''' + @MappedUser + ''')'
PRINT '''';
PRINT N''The [' + @MappedUser + '] user is already a member of the ['
+ @CurrentDbRole + '] role in the [' + @DatabaseName + '] database. Skipping Role Member creation.'';
PRINT '''';
PRINT '''';
PRINT N''Adding the [' + @MappedUser + '] database user as member of the [' + @CurrentDbRole
+ '] role in the [' + @DatabaseName + '] database... '';
PRINT '''';
USE ' + @DatabaseName +';
EXECUTE sp_addrolemember [' + @CurrentDbRole + '], [' + @MappedUser + '];
PRINT '''';
PRINT ''Completed adding the user to the role.'';
PRINT '''';
END; ';
The role membership is stored in sys.database_role_members
select as UserName,
r.Name as RoleName
from sys.database_principals u
join sys.database_role_members m on u.principal_id = m.member_principal_id
join sys.database_principals r on m.role_principal_id = p.principal_id;
User may still get additional privileges by their server fixed roles membership, which is stored in sys.server_role_memebers
and needs to be joined with sys.server_principals