



Can any one reply me which of the javascript frameworks are better to implement on my project? jQuery or Mootools?


Just see on stackoverflow:

  • jQuery tags 27195
  • mootools tags 385

And decide for yourself, why so many people are after jQuery.

- c# **79641**- java **47156** Are you sure that using the StackOverflow tags count is a objective measure of popularity. Maybe, this is not bad, the community around SO is a little biased toward MS (and MS support jQuery).
@Eineki: People on SO are from all around the world without knowing each other and without having same ideas and thoughts about a certain thing. The only common thing they share is the programming.
there is strength in numbers, sure. IE also has many more users, does that factor in your choice of a browser?
Dimitar Christoff
@Dimitar Christoff: IE is imposed on you in the operating system jquery is not, it is chosen not imposed.
how is that unlike being forced to take up a framework in order to gain better support? you are missing the point of the metaphor here. it's not the numbers that should dictate your decision, or we'd all be driving ford fiestas here. choosing should be about project specification, resources and business needs vs framework methodology. having said that, he's not even mentioned the scale of the work involved or why he's narrowed his choices down to mt and jq, what he likes or dislikes of the two and why he's unable to decide...
Dimitar Christoff
@Sarfaraz - jQuery is easy, being the reason for its popularity. The performance numbers comparing various libraries means absolutely nothing - it's fun to watch but a pure waste of time otherwise. StackOverflow is not representative of developer opinions, programming languages, or technologies used around the world. Had it been, then the most tagged questions would have been around `HTML` or `CSS` - because of its learning curve. Finally, most developers tend to go with the flow, and skip the part where they are supposed to make a conscious decision based on their own evaluations.

Go with JQuery, it has the most active development community. Even MS is contributing code to the Jquery project.

`Even MS is contributing code to the Jquery project` - is there an upside do that? :)
Dimitar Christoff
Seriously, how about just fixing IE -- or better yet, retiring it. jQuery is littered with IE-specific hacks, many of which reference the bug report number.
@Dimitar Christoff: the upside is that jQuery tends to be faster on IE than other frameworks.
I am sorry if I don't put too much stock in this. It's the same MS programmers we know and love that have been failing to get IE up-to speed with other browsers for ... donkeys years. Less said about other apps of theirs, the better. +1 harpoanswer this: why would IE programmers work with jquery to fix their IE-bug when they can work on IE instead?
Dimitar Christoff
+1  A: 

In the last performance comparison I know of, jQuery beat MooTools on IE, and they were head to head otherwise. Of course, one year is a huge lot of time in Javascript, so that says little about their current speed.

Anyway, unless you are really sure Javascript framework performance will be important for you, I would recommend jQuery, which has clearly been the popularity winner (see eg. Google Trends), which means better community support, more eyes and more developers in the long term.

+3  A: 

It's a matter of what coding style do you prefer and can help you in the long term. Just because other people use jQuery doesn't make it any easier for me to learn the way that it's coded.

This is a must for you to read before you go any further:

thanks for your reference...
+2  A: 

MooTools has the better API and once you actually use it, you'll see how the design choices make sense.

Try them both, but you'll stay for the extendability of MooTools
