How do I send a string output from a DAQ Board (NI- USB 6259) using labview? I want to send commands such as " CELL 0" or "READ" to a potentiostat device using labview.
How do I send a string output from a DAQ Board (NI- USB 6259) using labview? I want to send commands such as " CELL 0" or "READ" to a potentiostat device using labview.
The 6259 doesn't do string output. It's a data acquisition board that's intended for reading/sourcing analog voltages or sending/receiving individual digital signals. It's not a communications device.
If you're really trying to send strings to this device, you probably need something more like an RS-232 or GPIB connection.
As eaolson said a DAQ is not intended to control devices. However it is an interesting project to enter the guts of the communication protocol. Doing it with a DAQ would require to: