



Hey Guys,

I'm basically having a bit of trouble with traversing through an unordered list and retreiving list items.

  foreach (MyTypeObject s in result)



            oList.AppendFormat("<ul id='OuteroListItems'>");
            oList.AppendFormat("<ul id='oListItems'>");
            oList.AppendFormat("<li>" + s.Name + "</li>");
            oList.AppendFormat("<li>" + s.NameDesc + "</li>");
            oList.AppendFormat("<li>" + s.StartDate + "</li>");
            oList.AppendFormat("<li>" + s.EndDate + "</li>");



ok, I basically have a list of items in one unordered list and then an unordered list holding a list of items which hold items initself.

For each one of these I am trying to select the start date

so say I had 3 unordered lists inside of 'OuteroListItems', i would want to select all 3 of these s.StartDates and color them red in 'oListItems'.

I've tried this but it only select the first element in the outer lists 3rd inner list element and coloring that red.

   $("ul#OuteroListItems li").each(function(){

    $("ul#oListItems li:eq(2)").css("color", "red");

+1  A: 

First you need to use class instead of ID :) IDs have to be unique or you'll get all sorts of funky behavior...when they're not unique it's invalid HTML, just change id= in your code to class= to fix this. Your output should now look like this:

<ul class='OuteroListItems'>
    <ul class='oListItems'>

Then you can use the following selector to get each StartDate <li>:

$(".oListItems li:nth-child(3)").css("color", "red");​

You can see a working example here

Nick Craver
nice, thanks for th ehelp. . works a treat.
Suppose I then wanted to traverse through each one of these list items StartDate and do something with each one, asy some string manipulation, would I then each.() loop the values like make that equal to a variable and then $(variable).each(function(){}); ?
@Calibre2010 - You can pass a function to `.text()` and `.html()`, whichever you need, here's an example here: Just change the return to be whatever you want the result set to :)
Nick Craver
nice solution, I think the problem is slightly different from that, what I have managed to is this var vv = $(".oListItems li:nth-child(3)").append("---").text();var v = vv.split('---');so v is the array now, I just need to go through each of the items in the array. . i have v mapped to what i want to do to each item when it goes through its iteration im just not sure how to go about looping this bit.
@Calibre2010 - You can use `.map()` to get an array to work with easier, here's how to do that and how to loop through it using `$.each()`:
Nick Craver

Take a look on one of the powerful features of jQuery, the traversal methods.
