I have a .net 3.5 application running on windows mobile professional that uses sql server ce 3.5 and merge replication with sql server 2005 sp2, it not yet a 1.0 product. Every couple of minutes or so it starts a merge replication using a timer control. I suppose down the line I'll have to have some kind of push senario, either using long lived HTTP requests or Window Mobile Email WCF. However in the meantime my problem is that the devices are being "put to sleep" whilst waiting for the polling timer, either by the device reaching it's idle power down timeout or by the user hitting the standby button. I thought it was just the screen and keyboard that got powered down but it turns out that it's most of the devices functions, including my app.
Is there any way I can catch the standby event and just power down the screen and keyboard but keep my app running?