




I want to find out the zoom level of what is being displayed in a browser window based on the javascripts' window object properties ( to which I have access. I just can't seem to find the right mathematical formula for the zoom based on the inner width, page offset, etc. I found a solution, but that uses the document.body.getBoundingClientRect call which does not return anything in my case and for which I can't tell if there's a suitable replacement from the window properties. I am using Safari.

Thank you, Mihai


You can determine zoom level by comparing various properties to document.documentElement.clientWidth depending on your browser:

  • vs. window.outerWidth (on Opera)
  • vs. document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, null).width (on Safari, Chrome)
  • or compare screen.deviceXDPI and screen.logicalXDPI (on IE8).

The ratio of these values is the current zoom level (e.g. a ratio of 2 indicates a zoom of 200%).

John Feminella
If I use document.documentElement.clientWidth and document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, null).width I always get the same values (920 and 2080), no matter the zoom.
Mihai Fonoage
Does it makes sense to say that zoom = window.pageYOffset/window.innerHeight * 100?
Mihai Fonoage
Hmm.. this seems to work for me on Chrome, and I assumed it would work on Safari too since it's also using Webkit, but it's possible versioning differences may be coming into play here.
John Feminella