



I have an ASP.NET Web Site project that used to have it's logic in the App_Code folder. I pulled some of the code into a Class Library project (to allow unit testing) and added a Project Reference. It compiles and runs fine.

The problem is that the only way the Web Site project represents the project reference (to my knowledge) is through the presence of the compiled dll in the /bin directory. I don't want to include these generated files in version control (Subversion). Adding the files to the SVN ignore list -- as I usually do with /bin dlls -- is not an option because I lose the project reference.

So, the question: is there a way to maintain a project reference in a Web Site project other than putting the dll in the /bin directory?

If not, I plan to move the class library into its own solution and use a .refresh file. Since the projects will always go together, this is not my preference.