How can I send a JavaScript array as a JSON variable in my AJAX request?
Thank you.
How can I send a JavaScript array as a JSON variable in my AJAX request?
Thank you.
If you're not using a javascript library (jQuery, prototype.js, etc) that will do this for you, you can always use the example code from
Just encode the array and send it as part of your AJAX recuest:
There are too many others encoders, or even plugins for JQuery and Mootools :D
This requires you to serialize the javascript array into a string, something that can easily be done using the JSON object.
var myArray = [1, 2, 3];
var myJson = JSON.stringify(myArray); // "[1,2,3]"
param: myJson
As the JSON object is not present in older browsers you should include Douglas Crockfords json2 library
If you already rely on some library that includes methods for encoding/serializing then you can use this instead. E.g. ExtJs has Ext.encode