Hi everyone,
I'm having a hard time trying to make jQtouch and Google Maps api V3 together. I've tried almost everything. It seems that the only source of information is here I checked every single post. I'm starting with jQuery and css... so there's a lot of stuff I don't understand.
First of all, I'm using jQtouch framework to build a web app with google maps integration, the problem is that whenever I pan the map, strange flickering occurs. It's like jQtouch and the map are trying to fight for a callback.
I'm using the latest revision out there. And have several bugs, regarding transition/animation functionality (since I don't wrap the map and all the element's divs within the #jqt wrapper) and css issues with some styling. Anyone has successfully achieve a functional setup build for this scenario? (google maps api v3 & jqtouch), I think is not necessary to paste you some code (But if you think is necessary please let me know and I'll do it), If you paste me a minimal example with a map (detailing jqtouch version, and modification to the styles/.js files), and some transition back and forth from the map to another div/section/page, you rock.
Thanks a lot in advance.
And please, let me know if this is kind of 'legal' here, I mean, there's too much loose information on the official wiki, and like 13 'solutions' but nothing concrete... I'm just triying to help anyone who step on in this problem in the future.