i want to process a text file line by line. In the olden days i loaded the file into a StringList
slFile := TStringList.Create();
for i := 0 to slFile.Count-1 do
oneLine := slFile.Strings[i];
//process the line
Problem with that is once the file gets to be a few hundred megabytes, i have to allocate a huge chunk of memory; when really i only need enough memory to hold one line at a time. (Plus, you can't really indicate progress when you the system is locked up loading the file in step 1).
The i tried using the native, and recommended, file I/O routines provided by Delphi:
f: TextFile;
Reset(f, filename);
while ReadLn(f, oneLine) do
//process the line
Problem withAssign
is that there is no option to read the file without locking (i.e. fmShareDenyNone
). The former stringlist
example doesn't support no-lock either, unless you change it to LoadFromStream
slFile := TStringList.Create;
stream := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
for i := 0 to slFile.Count-1 do
oneLine := slFile.Strings[i];
//process the line
So now even though i've gained no locks being held, i'm back to loading the entire file into memory.
Is there some alternative to Assign
, where i can read a file line-by-line, without taking a sharing lock?
i'd rather not get directly into Win32 CreateFile
, and having to deal with allocating buffers and detecting CR
, LF
i thought about memory mapped files, but there's the difficulty if the entire file doesn't fit (map) into virtual memory, and having to maps views (pieces) of the file at a time. Starts to get ugly.
i just want Reset
with fmShareDenyNone