How about my home brew function to determine variable 'type'? It can also determine the type of custom Objects:
function whatType(somevar){
return String(somevar.constructor)
var num = 43
,str = 'some string'
,obj = {}
,bool = false
,customObj = new (function SomeObj(){return true;})();
alert(whatType(num)); //=>Number
alert(whatType(str)); //=>String
alert(whatType(obj)); //=>Object
alert(whatType(bool)); //=>Boolean
alert(whatType(customObj)); //=>SomeObj
Based on the constructor property of variables you could also do:
function isType(variable,type){
if ((typeof variable).match(/undefined|null/i) ||
(type === Number && isNaN(variable)) ){
return variable
return variable.constructor === type;
* note: if 'variable' is null, undefined or NaN, isType returns
* the variable (so: null, undefined or NaN)
alert(isType(num,Number); //=>true
Now alert(isType(customObj,SomeObj)
returns false. But if SomeObj is a normal Constructor function, it returns true.
function SomeObj(){return true};
var customObj = new SomeObj;
alert(isType(customObj,SomeObj); //=>true