



I am not certain this is the correct forum for my question, but it is probably solvable by using an aspx file.

The problem is that I have an IIS server that has a virtual directory that is referenced via an UNC, on the same intranet.

When I have Windows Integrated Authentication turned on, the application does authenticate me, as I can see in the application and in the audit log.

But, when I try to go to the virtual directory the credentials passed are NT Authority\Anonymous Login to the content server (my referenced server).

So, is there something I need to set in my session to have IIS pass the correct user credentials over to the other server?


Before I see this as strictly an IIS problem I just want to make certain there is nothing that can't be done in the SessionState, or somewhere else for the appplication, to avoid a ping-ponging effect where it is suggested I ask here.