



I need to execute a SQL Server system stored procedure, programmatically, and since it executes in the current schema, I need to change it on the fly.

Like this

Statement st = connection.createStatement(); st.execute("EXEC SP_ADDUSER ' ', ' '");

But SP_ADDUSER only executes on the current schema set for the connection, so if I wanted to create users in various schemas, I'd need to change it, and that's what I am looking for.

+1  A: 

I don't believe it's possible to change which database a connection points to.

You'll probably need to create a separate DataSource/Connection for each database (schema).

Ben Noland
There is the possibility of using the USE statement in a batch as well as simply using the fully qualified object name (although sp_adduser doesn't physically exist in the DB, it will be searched for in master and used "virtually").
Cade Roux
USE does not work...a SQL Exception is thrown...I tried....but thanks anyway

EXEC <DatabaseName>..sp_adduser can be run from a connection to any database (even master, say). The connection will not be affected.

For instance, the following appears to work fine on my system:

USE master
EXEC sp_addlogin 'test1'
EXEC SandBox..sp_adduser 'test1'

The same things works fine through the client. Is your client connection altering your SQL?

using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace TestUse
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Server=(local);Database=master;Trusted_Connection=True;");
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("USE master; EXEC sp_addlogin 'test1'; EXEC SandBox..sp_adduser 'test1'", cn);
Cade Roux
It works....but it does not seem to create the user in the correct database, since the SP creates the user in the current database. Since I need to be able to do it in databases other than master, it is not working...."USE master" throws a SQLException for wrong syntax
The batch I gave works in SQL Server 2005, creating a login and a user in the SandBox database. If you are just sending a single line, you only need the last line.
Cade Roux
Even though in my batch, the current database is master. I used that to specifically show that the current database matters not if you use a fully qualified object name.
Cade Roux
Well, it happens that I was making a mistake in the query, so that was causing the SQLException... USE <databaseName> is working is EXEC <databaseName>..sp_adduser. Thanks for the help
Note, the standard way of calling a stored procedure in JDBC is with a command like "{call sp_name('spanner')}".
Tom Hawtin - tackline
@Tom - Does JDBC translate the SQL before it reaches the server? Does it do any rewriting of full-qualified object names or the USE statement?
Cade Roux