Hello, I have a very large code, that's why I can't post here all my code, can somebody explain what might be a problem if I have an error incompatible pointer type
and give me several ways to solve it, thanks in advance
just small clarification: I'm workin with pointers to functions
ptrLine createBasicLine(){
result->callsHistory = listCreate(copyCall,destroyCall); <-here
result->messagesHistory = listCreate(copyMessage,destroyMessage); <-and here
result->linesFeature = NULL;
result->strNumber = NULL;
result->lastBill = 0;
result->lineType = MTM_REGULAR_LINE;
result->nCallTime = 0;
result->nMessages = 0;
result->rateForCalls = 0;
result->rateForMessage = 0;
return result;
copyCall,destroyCall - pointers to functions
* Allocates a new List. The list starts empty.
* @param copyElement
* Function pointer to be used for copying elements into the list or when
* copying the list.
* @param freeElement
* Function pointer to be used for removing elements from the list
* @return
* NULL - if one of the parameters is NULL or allocations failed.
* A new List in case of success.
List listCreate(CopyListElement copyElement, FreeListElement freeElement);
definitions of the functions
ptrCall (*createCall)() = createNumberContainer;
void (*destroyCall)(ptrCall) = destroyNumberContainer;
ptrCall (*copyCall)(ptrCall) = copyNumberContainer;