



Good day. I'm developing a Windows application and working with Windows Forms; .Net 2.0.

I have an issue databinding a generic List of Car Rental Companies to a DataGridView when that list contains (one of its properties) anoother generic List of Car Makes. I also have a UserControl that I need to bind to this [inner] generic list ...

Class CarRentalCompany contains: string Name, string Location, List CarMakes

Class CarMake contains: string Name, bool isFord, bool isChevy, bool isOther

The UserControl has a label for CarMake.Name and 3 checkboxes for each of the booleans of the class. HOw do I make this user control bindable for the class?

In my form, I have a DataGridView binded to the CarRentalCompany object. The list CarMakes could be 0 or more items and I can add these as necessary. How do I establish the binding of CarRentalCompanies properly so CarMakes will bind accordingly??

For example, I have: List CarRentalCompanies = new List();

CarRentalCompany company1 = new CarRentalCompany();    
company1.Name = "Acme Rentals";    
company1.Location = "New York, NY";    
company1.CarMakes = new List<CarMake>();    

CarMake car1 = new CarMake();    
car1.Name = "The Yellow Car";    
car1.isFord = true;    
car1.isChevy = false;    
car1.isOther = false;    

CarMake car2 = new CarMake();    
car2.Name = "The Blue Car";    
car2.isFord = false;    
car2.isChevy = true;    
car2.isOther = false;    

CarMake car3 = new CarMake();    
car3.Name = "The Purple Car";    
car3.isFord = false;    
car3.isChevy = false;    
car3.isOther = true;    

CarRentalCompany company2 = new CarRentalCompany();    
company1.Name = "Z-Auto Rentals";    
company1.Location = "Phoenix, AZ";    
company1.CarMakes = new List<CarMake>();    

CarMake car4 = new CarMake();    
car4.Name = "The OrangeCar";    
car4.isFord = true;    
car4.isChevy = false;    
car4.isOther = false;    

CarMake car5 = new CarMake();    
car5.Name = "The Red Car";    
car5.isFord = true;    
car5.isChevy = false;    
car5.isOther = false;    

CarMake car6 = new CarMake();    
car6.Name = "The Green Car";    
car6.isFord = true;    
car6.isChevy = false;    
car6.isOther = false;    

I load my form and in my load form I have the following: Note: CarDataGrid is a DataGridView

BindingSource bsTheRentals = new BindingSource();    

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn companyName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();    
companyName.DataPropertyName = "Name";    
companyName.HeaderText = "Company Name";    
companyName.Name = "CompanyName";    
companyName.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;    

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn companyLocation = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();    
companyLocation.DataPropertyName = "Location";    
companyLocation.HeaderText = "Company Location";    
companyLocation.Name = "CompanyLocation";    
companyLocation.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells;    

ArrayList carMakeColumnsToAdd = new ArrayList();    
// Loop through the CarMakes list to add each custom column    
for (int intX=0; intX < CarRentalCompanies.CarMakes[0].Count; intX++) {    
     // Custom column for user control    
     string carMakeColumnName = "carColumn" + intX;    
     CarMakeListColumn carMakeColumn = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();    
     carMakeColumn.Name = carMakeColumnName;    
     carMakeColumn.DisplayMember = CarRentalCompanies.CarMakes[intX].Name;    
     carMakeColumn.DataSource = CarRentalCompanies.CarMakes;  // this is the CarMAkes List    
     carMakeColumn.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;    

CarDataGrid.DataSource = bsTheRentals;    
CarDataGrid.Columns.AddRange(new DataGridViewColumn[] { companyName, companylocation, carMakeColumnsToAdd });    
CarDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;    

The code I provided does not work because I am unfamiliar with UserControls and custom DataGridViewColumns and DataGridViewCells - I know I must derive from these classes in order to use my User Control properly. I appreciate any advice/assistance/help in this. Thank you.

  • Lawrence