I have few monhts working with aspx, and now I'm developing a shopping cart website. For the employee to upload the products on the DB, every product needs to be linked to a category and sub category, and sub-sub category, and so on. Sometimes the sub-sub categories are up to 5. For example Electronics-TV-LCD-Samsung-40 inches.
First, What I would like to identify is if the SQL table has the apporpiate structure. I have 3 columns Id, Description, Parent_Id. Categories with Parent Id=0 is used for the top ones. Is this the best way to do it?
Then I want to use the ListBox control to select main Categories, and once it is selected, filled a second listbox with its childs and so on. Do I need to query SQL DB everytime the change event happens? I heard about linq but have not used yet, What would be your suggestion to do this. If you have seen a sample to understand it better will be appreciated.
Thank you