Hi All,
Is there a way to search the Registry for a specific key using Windows Scripting Host?
I'm using JavaScript (Jscript/VBScript?) to do so, and the msdn Library doesn't mention any such method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2x3w20xf(v=VS.85).aspx
So here's an update to the problem:
The problem is a bit more complicated than a direct registry search. I have to look through the installed products on a windows box, to find a specific product entry that i want to delete. The registry path is defined as:
Within the Products key, the installed products are listed, but their keys are defined as hash codes. Within the product keys are other keys with defined names and defined values. I want to be able to search on the latter keys and values. How can I do that, by-passing the unknown hash codes?
For example, I need to find a product with DisplayVersion key = 1.0.0. The path to that key is:
How can I either pick up, or avoid writing, the product key: A949EBE4EED5FD113A0CB40EED7D0258 ??