



Does anyone else have infuriating usability issues while trying to work with MonoDevelop in OS X Snow Leopard? The ones that interrupt my flow the most are associated with button clicks not responding until I move the window around a little bit. Afterwards, I can get maybe one or two button presses in before I have to repeat moving the window around.

I've heard this is a GTK problem that has nothing to do with MonoDevelop in the past and would like to know if anyone else experiences this or has found a way to fix it?

+1  A: 

Yes, there are quite a few minor Mac-specific issues in MD, mostly due to the GTK toolkit. You will find some listed in Bugzilla, and others on the known issues page. The best place to ask about this stuff is on the monodevelop mailing list or, better, in the bug reports.

FWIW, I don't think you have to actually move the window to reset GTK's tracking, you just have to click on the window title bar.
