



What exactly IS AJAX? Is there an official release?

What exactly is jQuery? Is there an official release?

From what I understand, these two "extensions" of JavaScript are just small scripts that enable extended functionality. But, what exactly are there? I mean, Adobe is a company that created Flash. If you want information about Flash, the official source is at Adobe.

Is there an equivalent for AJAX and jQuery? I don't want to learn AJAX or jQuery form some shmo that doesn't know that correct syntax. I want to learn proper syntax and best practices.

EDIT: Thanks for posting your responses... oh, and thanks for the smart ass replies too. They help tons.

+18  A:

No .. wait ...

i wanted to lmgtfy ... you beat me to the punch :)
The link is cut off. Is this a bug?
@Rich Fixed. ` `
@Adam we need a (
oh good, I was wondering what lmgtfy meant
We can probably standarize these from within S.O. This is really two questions.
I'm headed over to Meta to suggest that merely adding ".com" to the keywords in the question should not be worth answer points... ;)
@bmoeskau I'm sorry I've offended you by asking an innocent question. I've been to, downloaded the script, used the script and applied it to several websites.This question was to benefit a friend of mine who was skeptical that stackoverflow was any better than Yahoo! Answers.I'd like to point out that if this question was so ridiculous, why is it that since I posted it (only yesterday) it has already been searched and viewed 160+ times. What does it matter to you?
@dcolumbus: Really? My comment merited that response? It was intended as a joke to the answerer who now has 18 votes and counting for literally linking to the websites you asked about. No comment to the "lmgtfy" or "lmwtfy" folks (which I actually thought was funnier myself)?
+2  A: 

jQuery has an official site. Read all about it there.

AJAX is a technique for fetching data without refreshing the whole page. That one is quite expansive and you'll probably just want to google it.

You can do ajax with jQuery :)


jQuery is by far the most amazing Javascript library I've ever touched. Ajax is what jQuery does best (Getting infomation without reloading the page)

I'm guessing its the only one too right?
Sean Kinsey
@Sean what's your problem, dude? No, it's not the only solution... just like you're not the only smart ass nerd on stackoverflow. Get over yourself.
If by 'smart ass nerd' you mean someone who knows that jQuery is no more the answer than any other library, then thank you. My main problem with jQuery isn't the library itself, but the fact that few of its users has ever heard of javascript(ES3) and so keep answering questions like 'how do I add two numbers' with 'first you add the superduper magic jQuery library' followed by a nasty superfluous plugin construct..
Sean Kinsey
That's fine. I couldn't agree more. But not all are as ignorant as they. Could it be that someone genuinly enjoys jQuery?
+6  A: 

Ajax is Asynchronous Javascript and XML, a technique where you can perform a partial postback to the server. You can return many different data types (Html, XML, JSON, unformatted text)

There are different implementations of ajax on different frameworks / libraries so I wouldnt say theres an official release as such.

JQuery is a javascript library which has powerful selectors and the ability to do partial postbacks via $.get, $.getJSON, $.ajax

The nice this about jQuery is that it wraps up all the browser compatability issues behind the scenes.

Here is a jQuery ajax method:

        function hijack(form, callback, format) {

            url: form.action,
            type: form.method,
            dataType: format,
            data: $(form).serialize(),
            completed: $("#indicator").hide(),
            success: callback
+14  A: 

Chances are good that "AJAX" is not what many think it to be. It's really an abbreviation of Asynchronous Javascript and XML, where XML is the extensible markup language. Today, people generally call any asynchronous activity "ajax," even including some dynamic ui elements in the mix too. AJAX is the practice of making calls to other scripts via javascript without having to refresh your page. Responses aren't always in XML though, as JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is a wildly popular format too.

jQuery is a framework - just a collection of cleverly written javascript methods wrapped up inside the $ symbol that allow you to do things quicker, and without as much troubleshooting in Javascript. jQuery even helps you do "AJAX" by providing tons of functionality that allows you to request data from other pages on your server, or submit form data without actually having to refresh the page. For specifics about jQuery, visit

Jonathan Sampson
You take all the fun out of providing 2 word answers.... :P
@chacha102: Maybe so, but there will come a day when you too will stumble across a seemingly stupid question and will be glad someone provided a serious answer =).

jQuery is a really good Javascript library that makes Ajax (as well as lots of other things) easier.

Don't worry about Ajax. It's just a buzz word for "getting the browser and server to talk to each other without reloading the whole page", and people use the word in horribly inconsistent ways. You won't get consistent answers to what Ajax actually is, because nobody agrees on what qualifies as Ajax. Lots of Ajax nowadays uses Json instead of XML - is that really Ajax? Who knows. It was a cool buzz-word when the technology was new, but now that libraries like jQuery have made it easy to do it's just a distraction.

Not all would agree with you on it being 'really good'...
Sean Kinsey
@Sean I can't imagine that anyone would disagree that jQuery is awesome. Trust me, I Googled it.
@dcolumbus Calm down :) If you refuse the fact that jQuery does have its problems (especially with upgrade issues, old browsers etc) then maybe you should do some more of that googling.
Sean Kinsey
Let's be friends. They all have their issues. However, I blame the browsers mostly.