




Please recommend a particular programming-related talk / video and explain why you like it.

+5  A: 

A taste of Haskell by Simon Peyton Jones. It's a good introduction to Haskell (which is an interesting language), and Simon Peyton Jones is a good speaker.

Erik Hesselink
+1  A: 

I found the Google talk of Linus Torvalds about source control very interesting and with a taste of controversy:)

+6  A: 

The MIT lectures Structure and interpretation of computer programs.

+7  A: 

Hansel Minutes is an excellent Podcast series that covers a wide range of programming topics. Goes into detail and wont send you to sleep. The interviews with the creators of this site are particularly good..

Daniel M
+2  A: 

More of a series of videos than a single one. The berkeley introduction to computer science: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

+6  A: 

Douglas Crockford's videos explain javascript very nicely. In the end, I actually started to enjoy/respect javascript, and that's saying something.

Javascript: The good parts

After this you should really take a look at his advanced javascript videos, and his videos about the DOM.


Bjarne Stroustrup C++0x: An overview

+3  A: 

+1 for Hanselminutes.

Also, Dot Net Rocks is very good for (usually .NET-specific) technical content. It comes in both audio and video forms, although they cover different topics.

Although most of their stuff is .NET-focussed, I believe a fair bit of what is covered has relevance outside the MS ecosystem too.


The webcast series at Dime Casts is fantastic. They cover a wide range of topics that are all things that people have heard of and are interested in, but probably haven't worked much with (including IOC, MVC, Mocking, and Ant for example). Plenty of examples where you watch someone DO the thing (the way many people learn best), all in about ten minutes each - good for those of you out there with ADD. You can watch them online or download them for later. I'm a big fan.

+1  A: 

Definitely Google TechTalks, interesting speakers and diverse topics, not only technical ones.

Adam Byrtek

Most of these are focused on .Net

.Net Rocks
RunAs Radio - More focused on IT pros but still helpful
Software Engineering Radio - Not always entertaining but a lot of good information
Channel 9 - A lot of stuff from Microsoft
InfoQ - some good presentations and videos on various topics and technologies

and of course
Stack Overflow Podcast

+2  A: 

Growing a Language, by Guy Steele.

This is a really interesting talk from OOPSLA, given by one of the two authors of the Java Language Specification.

Without giving too much away, it starts:

I think you know what a man is. A woman is more or less like a man, but not of the same sex.

+1  A: 

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.

This is a great video in terms of inspiring motivation. It is about a lot more than programming and is really worth a watch.

+1  A: 

YUI Theater is a great library of web programming related presentations. They cover everything from JavaScript to performance to accessibility. It's definitely one of the best collections of presentations from experts in the field.

Ryan Doherty