I am working with small ASP.NET MVC project - online store.
I have addToCart method which adds selected product to cart - it updates cart table in my db and showing cart view with its content. But I have problems. While db is updating correctly the view does not. I see that quantity of the product in my db is incremented correctly but quantity in view is not changed. I have to stop debugging my app in visual studia and restart it - then my view is showing correct data. What can be wrong?
am using LINQ to Entity. metod Add from cart repository:
public void Add(int product, int quantity, string user)
Cart cart = null;
cart = (from c in de.Cart
where (c.userName == "testUser" && c.productId == product)
select c).First();
// query is searching for existing product of testUser and id specified in parameter in cart and get it
cart.quantity += 1; //increment quantity
de.SaveChanges(); // save entity
method AddToCart from controller:
public void AddToCart(int pid, int quant, string usr)
and method which returns cart View:
public ActionResult Cart()
IEnumerable<CartInfo> model = _cartRep.GetTrans();
return View(model);
Here is GetTrans() implementation:
public IEnumerable<CartInfo> GetTrans()
using (DBEntities de = new DBEntities())
return (from c in de.Cart
where (c.userName == "testUser")
select new CartInfo
Id = c.id,
ProductId = c.productId,
Quntity = c.quantity,
Realized = c.realized,
UserName = c.userName,
Value = c.value,
Products = (from p in de.Product
where (p.id == c.productId)
select new ProductInfo
Category = p.Category,
Desc = p.Description,
Id = p.id,
Image = p.Image,
Name = p.Name,
Quntity = p.Quantity,
Price = p.Price
As you saw I have user name hard-coded. I have done it only for testing. If I would know that it is working I will improve the code. Thanks for a good advice with .FristOrDefault()