


+2  Q: 

Sorting in Matlab


I would like to sort elements in a comma-separated list. The elements in the list are structs and I would like the list to be sorted according to one of the fields in the struct.

For example, given the following code:

 L = {struct('obs', [1 2 3 4], 'n', 4), struct('obs', [6 7 5 3], 'n', 2)};

I would want to have a way to sort L by the field 'n'. Matlab's sort function only works on matrices or arrays and on lists of strings (not even lists of numbers).

Any ideas on how that may be achieved?



+6  A: 

I suggest you do this in three steps: Extract 'n' into an array, sort the array and consequently reorder the elements of the cell array.

%# get the n's
nList = cellfun(@(x)x.n,L);

%# sort the n's and capture the reordering in sortIdx
[sortedN,sortIdx] = sort(nList);

%# use the sortIdx to sort L
sortedL = L(sortIdx)
if you're using the newest version of MATALB you can do `[~, sortIdx] = sort(nList);`. That way you don't have an extra variable lying around.
@JudoWill: Great new feature, but I found out it's not backwards compatible the hard way a while ago. Some of my co-workers have older versions of MATLAB, and my code came to a screeching halt when they tried to run it.
@JudoWill: I like the feature, and I'll probably start using it 2-3 years from now.
+1  A: 

For what it's worth, here is the solution in Python:

L = [{'n': 4, 'obs': [1, 2, 3, 4]}, {'n': 2, 'obs': [6, 7, 5, 3]}]
L.sort(lambda a,b: a['n'].__cmp__(b['n']))
# L is now sorted as you wanted
+2  A: 

This is a bit of an aside, but if all of the structures in your cell array L have the same fields (obs and n in this case), then it would make more sense to store L as a 1-by-N structure array instead of a 1-by-N cell array of 1-by-1 structures.

To convert the 1-by-N cell array of structures to a 1-by-N structure array, you can do the following:

L = [L{:}];

Or, you can create the structure array directly using one call to STRUCT instead of creating the cell array of structures as you did in your example:

L = struct('obs',{[1 2 3 4],[6 7 5 3]},'n',{4,2});

Now the solution from Jonas becomes even simpler:

[junk,sortIndex] = sort([L.n]);  %# Collect field n into an array and sort it
sortedL = L(sortIndex);          %# Apply the sort to L
+1 for simplifying the question first