



I love latex! But sometimes, it does not love me... I'm having a problem with an image and some text. I have this code:

Some text...\\

\caption{The caption}   

Some more text...

Basically, I want this:

Some text. (Above image in the code)
[end of page / new page]
Some more text. (Below the image in the code)
[start of new section]

But, what the above code gives me is this:

Some text. (Above image in the code)
Some more text. (Below the image in the code)
[end of page / new page]
[start of new section]

Latex insists on putting everything but a new section above the image even though its below the image in the code. Its probably because the image floats on top - but whats my alternative? There's not enough space on the first page to display the image there, to I cannot use [h] as the float-alignment.

I can "hack it", by creating an empty new section, like \section*{}, but this creates some white-space, which looks weird. Any suggestions?

+2  A: 

If you really need to have the figure in that place, use the float package:

In the preamble:


then, in the text:

Some text...

  \caption{The caption}   

Some more text...

Even though, is more preferable to let LaTeX place the floats.

Another way to do the same thing is by using the caption package.

In the preamble:


then, in the text:

Some text...

  \caption{figure}[LOF entry]{The caption}   

Some more text...
Alessandro C.
Thanks, it works! How do I let latex place the floats? If I dont add the [ht] or whatever float I want, it just places the image at the end of my document.Am I placing the image in a weird place? Where would you place it?
Frederik Wordenskjold
use preferably two placing options: [tb] for small figures, that stay well with the text on a single page; otherwise, for large figures, use [p].More control on floats placement can be achieved with the package placeins
Alessandro C.
Cool, I didnt know about those. [tb] seems to place the image exactly where it logically should be placed, so that seems to be exactly what I wanted.
Frederik Wordenskjold