I have NSMutableArray of NSMutableDictionary(NSString objects). One of NSString object is actually a date, and i need to sort NSMutableArray based on that date and I don't want it to sort dates as strings. How can i make it?
You will need to use the sortedArrayUsingFunction:context: method. For example:
NSInteger comparator( NSDictionary *d1, NSDictionary *d2, void *context )
return [[d1 objectForKey:@"date"] compare:[d2 objectForKey:@"date"]];
// In some method:
NSArray *sortedArray = [array sortedArrayUsingFunction:comparator context:nil];
Note: This is not tested.
Martin Cote
2010-05-13 16:05:19
Thanks for reply, i will try it.
2010-05-13 17:17:38
If I understand correctly, your array contains dictionaries that contain strings and you want to sort on those strings... as dates. Something like this perhaps:
[someArray sortWithOptions: 0 usingComparator: ^(id inObj1, id inObj2) {
NSDate *date1 = [NSDate dateWithString: [inObj1 objectForKey: @"dateString"]];
NSDate *date2 = [NSDate dateWithString: [inObj2 objectForKey: @"dateString"]];
return [date1 compare: date2];
2010-05-13 18:50:45
It was introduced in 10.6http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSMutableArray_Class/Reference/Reference.html#jumpTo_31
2010-05-14 19:01:43