



Is it true if I want to make ip spoofing program

I need only a program that can change my machine ip address???

if true how can i use System.Net - IPAddress Class

to set the ip address ....

+4  A: 

No, it is not true. Changing your machine's IP address is not IP spoofing. IP spoofing is when you create network packets that have a source IP address that does not match the actual IP address of the source machine.

This could be achieved using RAW sockets or WinPCap using SharpPCap to interop to WinPCap

Chris Taylor
Also remember, if you spoof your IP address at the packet level you can _send_ information but not _receive_ it
Chris Haas
Good catch. Perhaps Stackoverflow should have an internal glossary on computer science technical terms to help people from other countries to express themselves nicely.
Junior Mayhé

Your machine IP address is simply the IP address given to your machine to be used internally by devices within your home network. This is how routers, switches and other client devices can deliver and exchange packets.

You cannot spoof your external-facing IP in this manner. Using proxies will make the proxy's IP appear to be your external-facing IP.

I do not suggest changing your internal IP unless you know what you are doing and actually have a need for it to be static. For example, I forward ports on my router so I can run services. The router knows to point that traffic directly to my internal IP. Because DHCP can change your IP (due to lease expiration and what not), it's best that I make my internal IP static.

Also, depending on your network configuration, your internal IP has a certain format, like 192.168.1.X.


The best way to change your ip address is through a proxy. In my search for a proxy, I found that having a reliable company behind the proxy is very important. Everything you do is sent through the company’s proxy, so you want to be sure that you can trust them to not read or steal your personal information. Or else there's no point in having a proxy.

Anonymous Proxy
use a proxy is a way to keep your privacy it doesn't your own data security, and I think it should be avoided if he's doing something unauthorized
Junior Mayhé