



Does anyone have a good way of implementing something like a sequence in SQL server?

Sometimes you just don't want to use a GUID, besides the fact that they are ugly as heck. Maybe the sequence you want isn't numeric? Besides, inserting a row and then asking the DB what the number just seems so hackish.

+8  A: 

This seems to address your question directly:

(if it doesn't -- I must not be understanding some subtlety of your use case. Please comment)

+3  A: 

An Identity column is roughly analogous to a sequence.

matt b
Roughly yes, but not quite. You need to insert something into the table before you can be sure of the ID.
Nathan Lee
perhaps I should have said "very, very roughly" :)
matt b
And you can also get gaps in your sequence, if you rollback an insert.
Jonas Lincoln
+4  A: 

You could just use plain old tables and use them as sequences. That means your inserts would always be:
SELECT number from plain old table..
UPDATE plain old table, set the number to be the next number
INSERT your row

But don't do this. The locking would be bad...

I started on SQL Server and to me, the Oracle "sequence" scheme looked like a hack. I guess you are coming from the other direction and to you, and scope_identity() looks like a hack.

Get over it. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Corey Trager
you would also need to use SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE to guarantee that it works, but like @Corey Trager I also do not recommend that you implement this.
Mitch Wheat
What seems hackish in sequences? Just curious, I learned to use sequences first. Like you mention, whatever we learn first tends to feel "right".
Steve K
In SQL Server, I just specify the column as IDENTITY and I'm done. In Oracle, I needed to do more (Sorry, I forgot the details. It was 8 years ago...).
Corey Trager
Ah, I see what your saying. For Oracle that is correct, and it is a pain. In Postgres, you can have a columns default value be the sequence's nextval, and it is very handy.
Steve K

I totally agree and did this last year on a project.

I just created a table with the name of the sequence, current value, & increment amount.

Then I created a 2 procs to add & delete them. And 2 functions to get next, & get current.

John MacIntyre

If you want to insert data with a sequential key, but you don't want to have to query the database again to get the just-inserted key, I think your only two choices are:

  1. Perform the insert through a stored procedure which returns the newly-inserted key value
  2. Implement the sequence client-side (so that you know the new key before you insert)

If I'm doing client-side key generation, I love GUIDs. I think they're beautiful as heck.

row["ID"] = Guid.NewGuid();

That line should be laying on the hood of a sportscar somewhere.

I hear you. Everything has upsides and downsides. I'm actually a big natural key fan, so I usually only use GUIDs if no natural key is available. So a customer table would probably be PKed by SSN or a compound PK of name and address etc.

It's part of the Relational Gospel that tuples are inherently unordered, and Set Logic requires that they be so. (Yes, that's by rote.)

In my experience, it'w always been just as easy to sequence the results in another abstraction layer (e.g. a grid in the UI). Trying to do this in the database is inevitably fraught with Unintended Consequences. The DBMS doesn't need (will trip over) sequencing, so interpose it at the layer that does. All else is problematic coupling.

le dorfier
+1  A: 

sequences as implemented by oracle require a call to the database before the insert. identities as implemented by sqlserver require a call to the database after the insert.

one is no more hackish than the other. the net effect is the same - a reliance/dependency on the data store to provide unique artificial key values and (in most cases) two calls to the store.

i'm assuming that your relational model is based on artificial keys, and in this context, i'll offer the following observation:

we should never seek to imbue artificial keys with meaning; their only purpose should be to link related records.

what is your need related to ordering data? can it be handled in the view (presentation) or is it a true attribute of your data which must be persisted?


If you are using SQL Server 2005 you have the option of using Row_Number