Banging my head off the wall due to this. I'm getting the error at cell[rcell] = repack[counter] even though I have 190 items in the repack array.
private string csvtogrid(string input)
input = input.Replace("\r", ",").Substring(2).TrimEnd(',').Trim().Replace("\n", ",").Replace(",,,", ",").Replace(",,",",");
string[] repack = input.Split(',');
string[] cell = { };
int rcell = 1;
for (int counter = 1; counter < repack.Length; counter++)
if (rcell < 4)
cell[rcell] = repack[counter];
procgrid.Rows.Add(cell[1], cell[2], cell[3]);
rcell = 1;
richTextBox1.Text = input;
return null;