



Is there a way to use modules that were imported in a local session in a remote session? I looked at import-pssession, but I don't know how to get the local session. Here's a sample of what I want to do.

import-module .\MyModule\MyModule.ps1
$session = new-pssession -computerName RemoteComputer
invoke-command -session $session -scriptblock { Use-CmdletFromMyModule }

Also, I do not want to import-module in the remote session, as the ps1 files are not on that server.


I don't believe you can. You can go the other way - import commands loaded on the remote machine into your remote session running on the local machine. You can specify a script to invoke-command and it will copy that script over to the remote machine and run it. But if you require snapins or additional modules, you will need to make sure those are installed on each remote machine and then load them into the remote session via commands or your script.

Keith Hill

I ended up hacking this to work. What I did was create a local session, import modules into that session and used import-pssession to import modules from the created local session into the remote session. This is slow. If anyone has a better way of doing this, or if someone knows how to get an instance of the base session I'd love to hear from you!


function Export-ModuleToSession {

 $computername = $env:computername

 $modulesToImport = get-module -name $modules

 invoke-command -session $session -argumentlist @($computername, $modulesToImport) -scriptblock {

  write-host ("Creating Temp Session On: " + $computername)

  $localSession = New-psSession -computername $computername

  $modules | foreach-object {
   if($_.ModuleType -ne "Binary") {
    $path = $_.path
   else {
    $path = join-path (split-path $_.Path) ("{0}.psd1" -f $

   invoke-command -session $localSession -argumentList $path -scriptblock {

    $initializeDefaultBTSDrive = $false
    set-executionpolicy unrestricted

    write-host ("Importing Module To Temp Session: " + $path)
    import-module $path

  $initializeDefaultBTSDrive = $false

  $modules | foreach-object { 
   write-host ("Exporting Module: " + $
   import-psSession -session $localSession -Module $  | out-null 


function MyCmdlet {}


import-module .\remoting.psm1
import-module .\MyModule.psm1

 $remoteSession = New-PsSession -computerName "RemoteComputer"
 Export-ModuleToSession -session $remoteSession -modules "MyModule"

 Invoke-Command -session $remoteSession -scriptblock { MyCmdlet } -verbose -ea Stop
 Remove-PsSession $remoteSession -ea Continue
 Remove-Module "Remoting" -ea Continue
 Remove-Module "MyModule" -ea Continue
Jonathan Matheus
I stand corrected. :-) Nice approach of taking the ability to import commmands from the remote computer and turning it on its head to import from the local computer. BTW are you importing based on Path (instead of module name) because you ran into a problem?
Keith Hill
You can only import a module by name if the module file is in one of the default module locations. If it's not, you have to give it the file path. I ran into an issue with assembly modules that are imported from a module manifest psd1. The PSModuleInfo.Path property for a binary module points to the dll instead of the psd1. If you import directly from the dll, then import-pssession will fail. Hence all the voodoo to get the psd1 file for an assembly module.
Jonathan Matheus