



Hi guys, hope you can help me on this one, I'm currently using this:

jQuery plugin:validation (Homepage)

I've been reading related questions here, but this one is the closest get. httx://

from the plugin's documentation httx://

success String, Callback
If specified, the error label is displayed to show a valid element. If a String is given, its added as a class to the label. If a Function is given, its called with the label (as a jQuery object) as its only argument. That can be used to add a text like "ok!".

Currently I'm only object given to me is the label, and I can only add text to it. Now what I want is to have unique success message.

For example: username field will have a success message: 'username okay!'
email = 'email seems right'

something along those lines, instead of displaying just one generic success message on all the fields.

Thanks in advanced :)


I only tried this so far:

success: function(label) {

EDIT just want to edit, what I wanted is a way to access the input element and probably access its attribute, to use it to display on the label.text. Something like label.text(element.attr("title"); for example.


The simplest i can think of is as such:

jQuery(function($) {
        success: function(label) {
            var name = label.attr('for');
            label.text(name+ ' is ok!');

<form action="" method="post">
    <input name="username" class="required" type="text" />
    <input type="submit" />

If you want more unique messages, maybe you can store your message somewhere (an additional hidden field, or additional DOM, or use metadata). Make sure it's in a consistent position (so you can traversing it is the same for all fields) and update the label message accordingly?

is it possible to to access the input element instead of the label?As I understand the label are made dynamically, I was thinking of storing the unique messages on the input elment title attribute for example
nevermind, I tried your suggestion, and it worked, I tried it before, i just couldn't figure out why it didn't work the first time, I had problems traversing DOM from object label., anyway here's my code: errorElement: "em", success: function(label) { label.text(label.prevAll('label').text()+" Ok!").removeClass("error").addClass("success"); }