I have been using Process.Start to launch executables (.exe) files. Now I need to execute a .pl file with some arguments. can I still use Process.Start or I need a different approach?
EDIT :- I am having to mark this question unanswered as I am getting the following error when I try to call the perl file from the CSharp code:- (When I call the same from the commandline with the same path and parameters, It works fine)
System.ApplicationException: StartProcess Failed System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform)
Please note that when I try to call an .exe file from my C# code, I dont see the above error.
EDIT:- Checking the following link now:- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/649993/how-do-i-call-perl-script-in-c-application It seems that the ProcessStartInfo constructor has two parameters - fileName and the arguments. You should set Perl.exe as the fileName and the "argument" would be your perl file (.pl) with other arguments It accepts. Checking now....