



I have a problem with connecting to remote graph from DirectShow Filter Graph Editor. When I run application that creates a direct show graph, on my Windows XP machine graph is shown in the list of remote graphs, but on the Windows 7 (x64) machine list of remote graphs is empty. I have registered proppage.dll and also registered directshowspy.dll ... but still no results. Any ideas?


there's a proppage.dll and an x64/proppage.dll and you'll need to register both to ensure that both x64 and x86 apps work.

Geraint Davies
both are already registered...tried several times to unregister/register...nothing...
are you running with admin privileges? If you're running one app under the debugger with elevated permissions it might not be able to view the other.
Geraint Davies
UAC is turned off, and registrations were performed as admin, while I'm trying to connect to graph as not admin

Is this the same application that works in XP but not in Windows 7? The app needs to manually expose its graph to the Running Object Table so that GraphEdit will see it.

Example here:

It exposes graph to the ROT, everything works well on Windows XP machine, even on some other Windows 7 machines. It looks like that there is something wrong on my machine, but can no figure out what.