I'm trying to make test for this function
let extract_one_rule (rule:Rule.t<'a,'b>) =
let rec expand = function
|PAlt (a,b) -> expand a @ expand b
|PSeq (a,b) -> let wrap = List.map (fun x -> (x.rule, fun r -> {x with rule = r})) a
|> List.unzip
let rec gen = function
| hd::tl -> [for x in hd -> x :: ( gen tl |> List.concat)]
| [] -> []
fst wrap |> List.map expand |> gen
|> List.map (fun x -> PSeq ((List.map2 ( |> ) x (snd wrap)),b))
|PRef _
|PLiteral _
|PToken _ as t -> [t]
| _ -> (System.Console.WriteLine("incorrect tree for alternative expanding!")
; failwith "incorrect tree for alternative expanding!")
expand rule.body |> List.map (fun x -> {rule with body = x})
using FsCheck so i have this
let ExpandAlterTest(t : Rule.t<Source.t,Source.t> ) = convertToMeta t |> List.forall (fun x -> ruleIsAfterEBNF x)
but i'l see exception "incorrect tree for alternative expanding!" but when i use smth like that
let ExpandAlterTest(t : Rule.t<Source.t,Source.t> ) = (correctForAlExp t.body) ==> lazy ( convertToMeta t |> List.forall (fun x -> ruleIsAfterEBNF x))
NUnit doesn't stop working Why it can be?