I'm trying to write a CSS parser to automatically dispatch URLs in background images to different subdomains in order to parallelize downloads.
Basically, I want to replace things like
I'm using this inside a class that I eventually want to evolve into doing various CSS parsing tasks.
Here are the relevant parts of the class :
private function parallelizeDownloads(){
static $counter = 1;
$newURL = "url(http://assets".$counter.".domain.com";
The counter needs to be reset when it reaches 4 in order to limit to 4 subdomains.
if ($counter == 4) {
$counter = 1;
$counter ++;
return $newURL;
public function replaceURLs() {
This is mostly nonsense, but I know the code I'm looking for looks somewhat like this. Note : $this->css contains the CSS string.
foreach($match as $URL) {
$newURL = self::parallelizeDownloads();
$this->css = str_replace($match, $newURL,$this->css);