



So I am using a jquery plug in that allows me to change the order of things in a list by dragging and dropping them. So my goal is to be able to grab a list of my objects (AlertInfo) and using it in a javascript function. I was able to use a json webservice call in a test project to pass the data to the page. But we don't have a webservice page now so I tried to grab it from a aspx.cs page and it hasn't worked.

///Aspx page:

   type: "POST",
   url: "~/Alerts/GetAlerts",
   data: "{}",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function (msg) {
        var data = eval("(" + msg.d + ")");
        jQuery.each(data, function (rec) {
        AlertList[AlertList.length] = new objAlert(, this.title, this.details,               JSONDateSerializationFix(this.startdate), JSONDateSerializationFix(this.enddate));
     error: function (msg) {
        alert("BRAD" + msg);

The issue is that the Alerts page in "URL /Alerts/GetAlerts" is Alerts.aspx.cs. I can't figure out if I can use this ajax command to call a method in a aspx.cs page.
//Code behind page aspx.cs

 //[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string GetAlerts()
  List<AlertInfo> list = AlertInfo.GetTestAlerts();
  return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list);

public List<AlertInfo> GetAlertsList()
  List<AlertInfo> list = AlertInfo.GetTestAlerts();
  return list; ;

So I was hoping that I could load data into an asp control (dataList) and then grab the data

//code behind page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    dataListAlertList.DataSource = GetAlertsList();
public static List<AlertInfo> GetTestAlerts()
            List<AlertInfo> list = new List<AlertInfo>();
            list.Add(new AlertInfo("0", "Alert 1 Title", "Alert 1 Detail", "10/10/2010", "10/10/2011"));
            list.Add(new AlertInfo("1", "Alert 2 Title", "Alert 2 Detail", "10/10/2010", "10/10/2011"));
            return list;


//.aspx page

$(document).ready(function () {
    var a1 = $("#dataListAlertList").val();
    // do fun stuff now.

But I keep getting undefined....


Didn't need to preload. Ended up using the datalist and then changed how it was formatted. In the document ready function I grabbed the divs and applied the properties that needed to be set.
