



hi. i am writing a cache module in php. it tries to write a cache with a $string+timestamp as a filename. i dont have problem with writing the cache.

the problem is i do a foreach loop to get the cache that i want.

this is the logic that i use for getting the cache

foreach ($filenames as $filename){ 
    if(strstr($filename,$cachename)){//if found 

but when it tries to get and read the cache, it slows the server down. imagine that i have 10000 cache file in a folder, and i need to check for every file in that cache folder.

so how do you think the best way of doing this.

here i explain again, because even me still dont understand my written question.. :D

i write cache file with this format filename_timestamp.. e.g cache_function_random_news_191982899010 in a folder ./cache/

when i want to get the cache, i only pass "cache_function_random_news_" and check recursively on that folder. if i find something with that needle on a file name, display it, and break.

but checking recursively on a 10000 files in a folder is not a good thing yeah? please give me your opinion ok, that would clarify more. thanks.


Browsers and web servers work around the cache maintenance issue by maintaining an 'index'. You can maintain this index in either a file(binary/text) or a database.

For example:

  1. Whenever you create a new cache file, add a row/entry to the table/file.
  2. Then just use table/file to quickly search for cache-file existence
  3. You can also mark unnecessary/obsolete files using a flag in the record
  4. Then periodically (using a Cron job or some other technique) delete the obsolete cache files.

This approach will greatly improve the performance.

Abhijeet Pathak