I've created my own DefaultHandler to parse rss feeds and for most feeds it's working fine, however, for ESPN, it is cutting off part of the article url due to the way ESPN formats it's urls. An example of a full article url from ESPN..
The problem is for some reason the DefaultHandler characters method is only getting this from the tag that contains the above url.
As you can see, it's cutting everything off the url from the ampersand escape code and after. How can I get the SAX parser to not cut my string off at this escape code? For ref. here is my characters method..
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) {
String chars = (new String(ch).substring(start, start + length));
try {
// If not in item, then title/link refers to feed
if (!inItem) {
if (inTitle)
currentFeed.title = chars;
} else {
if (inLink)
currentArticle.url = new URL(chars);
if (inTitle)
currentArticle.title = chars;
if (inDescription)
currentArticle.description = chars;
if (inPubDate)
currentArticle.pubDate = chars;
if (inEnclosure) {
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Log.e("RSSReader", e.toString());
Rob W.