




Is there a way to display a component in EditorGridPanel without the need to click on the cell?

The problem I see on this demo is that the checkboxes are not Ext.form.Checkbox components, and not even inherited from it. The checkboxes are simply background images and since I am building a grid that needs ComboBoxes, it will not be simple to apply a similar hack.


Ok, I see what you're after now. Immediately display the combobox on each row upon grid rendering. That might be difficult to achieve, and I suspect it might have a negative effect on the overall performance of the grid (multiple comboboxes to render instead of just one).

In any case, have you looked at the clicksToEdit config option of EditorGridPanel? From ExtJS documentation:

The number of clicks on a cell required to display the cell's editor (defaults to 2).

Setting this option to 'auto' means that mousedown on the selected cell starts editing that cell.

How about if you tried setting this to 'auto'? That would at least reduce the amount of mouseclicks that the user has to do, before editing starts. Is that what you're really after with this?

(Note that I haven't tried this option myself, so I don't know how well it actually works with Comboboxes.)

Yes the option works, but the thing is that I want to show that there is a combobox, because it looks ridiculous that it suddenly appears after mousedown/click. My client wants that and I need to accomplish it somehow. Textboxes make more sense when they operate that way, but comboboxes are just silly when they are rendered prior to clicks. And oh, there are only 10 comboboxes shown at the same time, I can take the performance "hit".