



I have Extjs ViewPort panel, that contain center panel, that contain tablpanel, in which I have added gridpanel in one tab, on this I have put 'Add Person' button in tbar of , that will add a new tab of a FormPanel, in its Reset button, I am not able to access Form to reset it.

Do any body have faced same issue... please help how to get it working.

        // Ext.get(document.body, true).toggleClass('xtheme-gray');

        var myBorderPanel
            = new Ext.Viewport({
                title: 'Software Releases',
                // renderTo: document.body,

                renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                layout: 'border',
                id: 'main',
                items: [
                        title:  'Center Region',
                        region: 'center',     // center region is required, no width/height specified
                        tbar: [
                                text: 'Add person', // only when user have write priovilege.
                                handler: function() {
                                    var tabpanel = Ext.getCmp('main').findById('tabs');

                                    var wtab = tabpanel.add({
                                        //     // var addrelease_win = new Ext.Window({
                                        url:    'reledit-submit.json',
                                        id:     'addform0',
                                        // height: 300, width: 400,
                                        layout: 'form',
                                        frame: true,
                                        title: 'Add New Release',
                                        closable: true,

                                        items: [
                                            { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Name' }

                                        buttons: [{
                                            text: 'Save',
                                            scope: wtab,
                                            handler: function() {
                                                    success: function(f,a) {
                                                        Ext.Msg.alert('Success', 'It worked');
                                                    failure: function(f,a){
                                                        Ext.msg.alert('Warnning', 'Error');
                                            text: 'Reset',
                                            scope: wtab,
                                            handler: function() {
                                                // Ext.getCmp('addform0').getForm().reset();
                                                // tabpanel.getActiveTab.reset();
                                                // Ext.getCmp('main').findById('addform').getForm().reset();
                                                // this.getForm().reset();
                                                // this.getForm().reset();
                                                // Ext.Msg.alert('sdfsd', 'asdfsd ' + Ext.getCmp('addform0').getValue() + ' sdfsd');
                                                // Ext.Msg.alert('sdfsd', 'asdfsd ');


                                    tabpanel.activate(tabpanel.items.length - 1);
                        xtype:  'tabpanel',
                        id:     'tabs',
                        activeTab: 0,
                        items: [{
                            title: 'Data',
                            xtype: 'editorgrid',
                            store:  store,
                            stripeRows: true,
                            // autoExpandColumn: 'title',
                            columns: [
                                {header:   "Name"         ,  dataIndex: "name"     , width: 50, sortable: true},
                                {header:   "DOB",  dataIndex: "dob" , sortable: true}
                        margins: '5 5 0 0'

+1  A: 

Doesn't wtab.getForm().reset(); work?

If not, use this.ownerCt to get to the buttons container and then just walk up the chain until you get to a point where you can access the form.


The real problem is that its a Panel with a form layout that is created and not a FormsPanel.

Change layout:'form' into xtype:'form' and .getForm() should work.

Sean Kinsey
Sean thanks for the help, wtab.getForm.reset() is not working,And I am very new to Extjs infact javascript,do not know how to exactly use this.ownerCtbut I have tried this.ownerCt().getForm().reset()and this.ownerCt.getForm().reset() both is not working...
When you say 'is not working', please add _how_, that is, the exact error message you get (and do use a console). And ownerCt is a property, not a method. See the official docs for Extjs: the real error here is that you are not using a FormPanel, but a Panel with a forms layout. Instead of using `layout:'form'`, use `xtype:'form'`. This should give you access to the `getForm()` method
Sean Kinsey
Thanks Sean, yes immediately after changing layout to xtype it is working.Thank you very much.
Please mark the answer as the solution if you found that it helped ;)
Sean Kinsey