



Hi All,

I need to program a very huge web site. The site should contain public part with search engine, user registration forms, cart and all other stuff. The private part should contain administrative web application with a lot of data grids, complex edit forms, security checks, services and so on. Also I need very good support for html mailing and pdf exports. Web services are also required.

I am considering to use jsf. Can you recommend me books or other stuff where I can find all this info for building what i need? Is seam good option for this? I have looked their site and page seam on production. The sites listed there are far from professional and enterprise.

Is there any book that explains how to build complete web site with jsf technology from login, security, sending mails, pdf conversion, time dependent background processes and everything else that big sites needs. I do not have time reading 20 books.

In every php book all this stuff is explained but I have not seen a single java book that at least from high view will explain all of this.



I have only used JSF briefly in a small project, and to me it felt a little awkward to use. May I suggest using Asp.NET instead? Theres lots of support for adding features like the ones you proposed :)

+1  A: 

This book covers pretty much everything you need to know:

Beginning Java™ EE 6 Platform with GlassFish™ 3: From Novice to Professional

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Step–by–step and easy to follow, this book describes many of the Java EE 6 specifications and reference implementations and shows them in action using practical examples.

What you’ll learn

  • Get started with the new Java EE 6 Platform from Sun.
  • Explore and use the new EJB 3.1 and JPA 2.0 APIs from entities to session beans to message–driven beans, and more.
  • Discover the new web–tier development APIs including JSPs, JSTL, and Expression Language, and especially the new JSF 2.0 and Facelets.
  • Uncover the new web services, RESTful services, and more available in Java EE 6.
  • Create dynamic user interfaces for your enterprise and transactional Java applications.
  • And more...

Additionally you can also get the following book to get a bit more in depth in JSF alone:

JavaServer Faces 2.0, The Complete Reference

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JavaServer Faces 2.0: The Complete Reference features an integrated sample application to use as a model for your own JSF applications, with code available online. The book explains all JSF features, including the request processing lifecycle, managed beans, page navigation, component development, Ajax, validation, internationalization, and security. Expert Group Insights throughout the book offer insider information on the design of JSF.

  • Set up a development environment and build a JSF application
  • Understand the JSF request processing lifecycle
  • Use the Facelets View Declaration Language, managed beans, and the JSF expression language (EL)
  • Define page flow with the JSF Navigation Model, including the new "Implicit Navigation" feature
  • Work with the user interface component model and the JSF event model, including support for bookmarkable pages and the POST, REDIRECT, GET pattern
  • Use the new JSR-303 Bean Validation standard for model data validation
  • Build Ajax-enabled custom UI components Extend JSF with custom non-UI components
  • Manage security, accessibility, internationalization, and localization
  • Learn how to work with JSF and Portlets from the JSF Team Leader at Liferay, the leading Java Portal vendor